Saturday, September 7, 2013


K and I spent this week working on a crested gecko lapbook and we are both very pleased with how it turned out.

Above is a picture of the beginning stages when we were figuring out how we wanted to make the folds. We ended up using 2 file folders and gluing them together.

Here is one of the inside flaps.

Here is some more of the inside. 


Here is K making a pocket for the inside flap to place the "crested gecko quiz" in.
I am definitely going to be adding lapbooking to our routine more often. K responds well to anything that is hands on & he had fun & learned a lot this week from this lapbook!
Now I need to figure out what to make next! ;)
If you are interested in downloading this lapbook (or any of my other printables) please check it out in my online store:

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